All in-person training is currently suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are continuing to provide programs, equipment loans, and support for our members and clients to train at home.
If you need assistance or want to learn more, contact us.
We are continuing to provide programs, equipment loans, and support for our members and clients to train at home.
If you need assistance or want to learn more, contact us.
Our group kettlebell training program is probably unlike anything you've experienced before. We offer full assessments and an individualized approach to learning the exercises that are much closer to personal training than a typical group exercise class.
To learn more about our personal training options, click here
Here’s how it works:
When you first sign up for our group training program, you’ll enter the Kettlebell Foundations program. This program is broken down into two phases:
Phase 1: Move Well
Good movement is the foundation for ALL fitness. If you don’t move well, then challenging your body in order to get more fit is just asking for injury and frustration. So our first priority, and the primary focus of Phase 1 of our training, is to make sure you can move well.
Everyone entering our program will receive a full movement screen and assessment. Once we have an idea of how you move, we can shape our introductory program more specifically for you.
Phase 1 training might include:
- an individual corrective exercise program targeted at issues from your movement screen
- Training to develop proper functional breathing patterns, improve joint mobility, and maximize reflexive stabilization at the hip, core, and shoulder
- learning the fundamental movement patterns necessary for kettlebell training
- introductory workouts based around the movements that you can do safely and well -- including joining everyone else who trains with us in our fun, high-energy Saturday Circuit workouts
Much of the training in Phase 1 is based on the Functional Movement Screen and the Original Strength system, but all of it lays the foundation for successful training with kettlebells.
Learn more about the FMS and Original Strength here.
How long does Phase 1 last? As long as it needs to — no more, no less. If you come in moving well or with a strong background in fitness, you might breeze through Phase 1 quickly. If you need more time to develop your movement skills, that’s fine too, and it will be time well spent.
As soon as you demonstrate that you’re ready to move on, you’ll shift into Phase 2.
Phase 2: Move Well With A Kettlebell
Phase 2 is where you learn how to use a kettlebell correctly — which just means moving well while holding a kettlebell. The kettlebell adds resistance to your movements for a greater training effect, but the emphasis, and your focus, should always be on the way you move.
In Phase 2, we’ll take you step by step through the fundamental kettlebell exercises, using a wide variety of drills designed to ingrain the proper technique directly into your muscles and nervous system.
Once you’ve got the exercises down, it’s time to train! You’ll work through a set of structured, progressive training programs designed to develop every component of fitness, perfecting your technique in the basic exercises and adding a few new ones along the way.
Once you’ve completed the Phase 2 workouts, you’re ready to “join the club” and transition from the Foundations program to the more advanced MoveStrong Training Club!
Phase 3: Move Strong
The MoveStrong Training Club is what we call our ongoing kettlebell training program. Once you’ve completed the introductory workouts in Phase 2, you’re ready for a whole new world of long-term kettlebell training. You’ll learn new exercises, experience a wide variety of different training programs, boost your fitness to levels you might never have imagined possible, track your progress using special challenges several times a year, and, as always, continue to be a part of a fun, friendly, fired-up training community.
The Schedule:
- Kettlebell Foundations (Phases 1 and 2) meets Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30-6:25 pm
- The MoveStrong Training Club (Phase 3) meets Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30-7:25 pm
- All members can come and train together on Saturdays 11:00 - 11:55 am